Wednesday 5 November 2014

Balloon Apron Bag Review

Balloon Surprizes recently brought in some Balloon Apron Bags. Here are some of our reviews.


Every rovering balloonist should have. An affordable bag which is easy to carry from one place to the other. Good for 4 to 5 hours twisting jobs. Look professional and there are many pockets and compartments to put enough balloons, marker pens, notes, name cards and even balloon pumps. Can use as a balloon carrying bag or use as apron. Easy retrieval of balloons needed for the sculptures you want to make. Can see all the colours and sizes easily. Can use as Balloon Box where many balloonists share the same bag of balloons.


Too much balloons and equipment may make the apron too heavy and cause tiredness if the balloonist were to wear this apron for too long. It takes time to refill and replenish the balloons after each show.

Our 3rd shipment have just arrived. Do place your order with us before it is out of stock again!

Free Balloon Dog Charm for every purchases of Balloon Apron Bag convertible.

Packaging of the Balloon Apron Bag

Open Up view. Top: Use as bag. Bottom. Use as Balloon Apron

Can carry more than just balloons for your show

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